Monday, September 29, 2008

Repair Your Soul

I don't know if you have been like me in that I am always broken. Broken in the sense that I feel never good enough for God's love and forgiveness. I'm always doubting my own worthiness and scratching my head wondering how on Earth could God love me or continue to see me as anything good. This article I read today on Crosswalk was pretty insightful to me so I wanted to share it with you. You can read it here.

It is a struggle I have had all my life. If you have had moments like these I hope this article helps you too.


Judi said...

I feel that way all the time too!

b13 said...

Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment :)

Sorry about Patti. Even though it's been over a year I feel that the loss of a pet is one that stays with you for a long, long time. I miss those mine that have passed just as much as I miss my lost human family members.

That last post on Patti's page is beautiful.